Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yummy in My Tummy

Over the last few months, Audrey has been sampling her Mommy's cooking, overall, much to her delight. She's tasted homemade pureed acorn squash, apples, bananas, blueberries, butternut squash, carrots, chicken, green beans, mango, peaches, peas, parsnips, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes. Just to name a few. Sometimes her meals tastes better than what Mommy prepares for herself. Who wouldn't like warm apple cinnamon oatmeal (with a hint of fresh nutmeg, of course) for breakfast? Audrey loves her veggies and fruit, but doesn't care too much for meat. Her hand's down favorite is her afternoon snack: yogurt with mango and banana. You can't spoon it up quick enough for her.

Lately, Mommy and Daddy have been letting Audrey feed herself with mixed results. It makes her feedings fun despite the additional clean-up. She'll stick her spoon in the bowl, but rarely does it touch her lips. She'll attempt to pick up finger food to taste. After awhile, she'll opt to mashing it with her sippy cup. Sometimes she'll get her hands in the bowl and squishes the food through her fingers.

The sheer glee on her face is absolutely priceless.

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